Entering Phone Number
If you are using an app to lookup phone numbers and are having trouble entering the phone number, there are certain requirements that you must keep in mind.
Supported Regions
It is important to note that currently, this app only supports lookup of US and Canadian phone numbers. This means that you don’t need to enter any country codes when entering a phone number to lookup.
Enter a 10-Digit Phone Number
Since only US and Canadian phone numbers are supported, it is important to note that the phone number must be 10-digits long. Phone numbers of any other length are not currently supported. This means that you should not include any country codes or extensions when entering the phone number.
Correct Phone Number Formatting
The app automatically formats the phone number in the correct format when you enter 10 digits. Therefore, you do not need to type parentheses and dashes. Once you have entered a 10-digit phone number, the app will format it as (XXX) XXX-XXXX.