Free. Intuitive. Light

The app that identifies unknown callers.

Free Unlimited Lookup

Actually Free Reverse Phone Lookup Service

You may find it hard to believe, but Online Reverse Lookup actually offers a free reverse phone lookup service. You will be able to retrieve basic information based on any phone number.

Lookup History

Access Your Lookup History at Any Time

All the reverse phone lookup you perform in an app is stored in your history, so you can have an immediate access to it anytime. Of course, you can delete all or part of your history anytime.

Community Reports

Read Reports on Any Number or Add Your Report

Reverse Lookup is a platform to view the reports others have submitted for any phone number. Also, if you have anything to report about the specific phone number, you can simply leave a report.

Powered by real-time Caller ID information for phone number from the US and Canada.

Why Use Reverse Lookup App?

Fast Result
Response time to get result is super fast.
Requires only a few MBs of device storage.
Intuitive Design
Simple yet intuitive design with almost zero learning curve.
Frequent Updates
Frequently updated for best possible accuracy and performance.

One-stop destination for reverse lookup of Cell Phone, Landline, and Toll-free Numbers.

This is how we can be helpful to you

There are several ways the Reverse Lookup app could be useful to you. We have highlighted some features that our users get to enjoy.
Identify People and Businesses

Reverse Lookup retrieves information on a phone number to help you identify an entity behind a call.

Determine Whether a Number is Unsafe

With Reverse Lookup, you can determine whether the phone number you are looking up is potentially unsafe.

Read Community-powered Reports

When users like you look up a phone number, they can leave a report for that phone number. You can view the reports others have submitted for any phone number.

Contribute to the Community

If there are any spammer or telemarketer you know, you can report them in the app to share your experience with them. Your contributions help other users.

Actually free reverse phone lookup service. No gimmicks!